Easter Seals Disability Services
I have agreed to be a Celebrity Waiter for Easter Seals’ Inaugural Celebrity Waiter dinner on July 28, 2011 at Johnny’s Fillin’ Station at The Other Side in Orlando. Our goal is to raise money for Easter Seals programs and services for individuals with disabilities in Central Florida. To assure the success of the event listed below is information that you will need to know:
Celebrity Waiter Overview:
A unique event for friends, family and co-workers to attend a dinner event where you will be their Celebrity Waiter and compete to win the most tip donations.
Thursday, July 28th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Johnny’s Fillin’ Station at The Other Side
2631 South Ferncreek Avenue
Orlando, Fl 32806
So that 93 cents of every dollar we generate can be dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities live more independent lives.
Who is Easter Seals?
As you consider your involvement, keep in mind that 93 cents of every dollar contributed goes directly to programs in our area. Here is an overview of the programs that help hundreds of people every day in our community:
- Easter Seals’ Camp Challenge is a year-round camping program in Lake County that gives children and adults with varying exceptionalities the chance to forget about their disabilities and have a great time.
- Easter Seals’ two adult day centers in Winter Park and Gainesville are an alternative to nursing home care. They offer an assortment of educational and social activities that stimulate minds and enrich lives.
Come out and see me!
For more information: http://fl.easterseals.com/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=35381
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