
Farm Fresh

Farm Fresh.  Most of us do not have the time, space or desire to cultivate our own gardens and or farms.  We do however crave the sentiment of “home grown.”

Our reputation here at Cuisiniers is now and has always been to provide the highest quality of product available.  We have incorporated our local farmer productions in our desire to obtain food unique in flavor and connected to the changing seasons.  We would like to give credit where credit is due and applaud these businesses right outside our doors.  They are committed to and take great pride in growing the most nutritious product possible.  They build their soils fertility thereby giving their crops the nutrients’ needed to flourish.  Their produce is free of pesticides, hormones and genetic modification allowing us healthy nourishment.

LAKE MEADOWS, eggs produced by cage free, free range and free roaming hens.  Their happy hens are fed wholesome grains and unlimited fresh water.  They are free of growth hormones, antibiotics and chemicals. www.lakemeadownaturals.net

WATERKIST FARMS, family owned and operated in Sanford, utilizes hydroponic growing methods for their heirloom and beefsteak tomatoes.  They are a welcome addition weekly at the Winter Park Farmers Market.

DEEP CREEK RANCH, providers of Angus and South Poll cattle, Katahdin sheep, and grass fed lamb.  They believe in managing their property – livestock included for the health of the land and forests as well as the native wildlife. www.deepcreekranch.us

THE CHEF’S GARDEN, located in Huron Ohio a stones throw from my childhood home.  A family establishment led by none other than “Farmer Jones.”  Their “Earth to Table in 24 hours” promise is my guarantee for the ultimate freshest product heirloom vegetable, herb, micro greens and edible flowers available. www.chefs-garden.com

These businesses seek to produce in harmony with nature and with the least environmental impact.  Let’s support their efforts and enjoy recipes utilizing local ingredients.